So what else is new? Heidi Diaz, aka "Kimmer" did something that flies in the face of my theory that if you put your mind on something long enough pretty soon your thoughts will motivate you to that goal. Every day for years she was sitting at her computer typing up instructions to people about how to be thinner while she herself wasn't moved at all by her words.
Since I truly believe that what one dwells on mentally results in changed behavior and motivation to seek the images held in one's mind, her (Kimmer's) behavior and what it manifested makes me believe that her goal was never to be thin or to help others be thin but to make money, large money, at any cost.
Aside from her big lie and her big scam on people (which is plenty to be annoyed with her for!), I am mad because she wrote about being thin and succeeding at eating a certain way to be thin while apparently munching on any and everything that didn't munch on her first. How dual-minded is that?
So, among her many transgressions which pointedly ruined the health of others I find her dual-minded behavior one of the many among dispicable behaviors which pricks me personally.
If my theory on visioning and dreaming until you reach your reality is correct, her reality makes me believe that she never had her heart and mind in the right place while she wrote and tutored and cajoled, criticized and, cough, cough, ahem, "encouraged" others to eat to achieve thinness. I believe what a person thinks is what they ultimately achieved...and so to me, I see a crafty, mean woman who just wanted to lift money from desperate people at any cost to them.
Clearly, this woman focused her mind on succeeding at something and it wasn't weight loss. It was focused on scamming people who had weight problems. And, for this morning that's all I am going to say about it because my personal dreaming and driving to a goal doesn't have time for that poop head's behavior.
I don't have a passion for the demise of Scamkins. I want to see her and her scams gone from the internet but my passion is to reach my own goals. So, I salute you, anti-kimmer bloggers! I am thankful for those who have more mental energy than I to write tirelessly to remove this dual-minded, spiteful woman's presence from the internet but I don't think about it with the passion that they do. My passion is to encourage first myself to achieve my weight-loss goals, then by proving my point, to encourage others.
So, though I don't blog about KK or Kimmer daily, just be aware that I despise the way this woman has used her gift of mind focus to prey upon others and I'm only going to mention it on occasion. Her downfall will not move me away from my path...a path to health, but God bless those of you who can both focus on your own goals and removing her from the 'net.
It's time to hit the shower and get ready for another successful day wherein I will change my own destiny by knowing what I seek and moving forward to inch at a time. Baby steps will get me there.
Have a good day everyone. Willa Smith reporting from Texas.
PS: If you want to read more about the lies of Scammer, please visit the following blogs:
3 Fat Chicks: Anatomy of a Diet Scam Inside Kimkins
Kimkins Controversy
Kimkins Dangers
Kimkins Exposed
Kimkins Sucks
Kimkins Survivors
KKatastrophe - KimPossible's Blog
Livin' La Vida Low-Carb
Low Carb Discussion
Pretty Paula's Journey
Slamboard - Kimkins Diet
The Final Escape - EtheralKim's Blog
The Journey - Christin's Blog
The Open Bench - Deni's Blog
Winning Weight Loss - Becky's Blog
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
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Thanks for linking to my blog. I was so flattered, I made you a star! Your post it perfectly into a series I'm doing about Kimkins.
Love your blog! Keep up the good work!
thank you for blogging about the scam being run on by Kimmer.
I wish you much success in achieving your goals
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