Saturday, September 22, 2007

Low Carb Lifestyle vs. Disasterous Low Calorie, Low Fat and Low Carb Dieting ("Kimmer" the Scammer's Way)

When I took up the low carb lifestyle*, I found two forums look to for knowledge and support.

Low Carb Friends
Active Low Carber Forums

Just prior to that I had been encouraged by a friend to join a site for $59.95 which boasted huge weight loss in short time using a low calorie, low fat and low carbohydrate approach. Desperate to learn all I could about losing weight I visited the site and saw a beautiful, young-looking woman in a red dress who proclaimed herself to be "Kimmer" and that she had created this diet, oh and (!) that she was around my age (late forties) and further, that she had lost 198 pounds in 11 months. The woman looked like a million dollars.

Okay, I know I should have known better, but I bit the hook, paid the fee and joined the site. I found the site to be a bit too jumbled, a bit to "rah, rah, praise Kimmer" and extremely controlled by admins and moderators.

Now, let's go back up to the two links above. I began to educate myself on the dangers of a low carb, low cal and low fat diet and realized that not only was this a prescription for poor health, but now that I had my eyes opened I realized that this "Kimmer" had to be a fake. And, guess what folks...Kimmer is a fake. She's a morbidly obese woman in California who has scammed me and 39,999 others, according to her reports of the number of members on her website.

There's a ton of blogs exposing this scammer named Kimmer all over the 'net. Take a look at these sites before you join any site that has the word "Kimmer" in it. Because I don't want to give her any more press than absolutely necessary, I am not going to mention the name of her site or link to it. However, to get the full story about her, go visit the sites listed below...which were lifted with permission from a blogger named, "Ducky".

Kimkins Exposed
Becky: Winning Weight
Christin: The Journey
Deni: Open Bench
Free Kimkins Free
Jimmy Moore’s Apology
Kimkins Controversy
Kimkins Dangers
Kimkins Sucks!
Kimkins Survivors
Kkatastrophediet’s Weblog
TRUTH Starts Here
3 Fat Chicks: Anatomy of a Diet Scam Inside Kimkins
A Pinch Of…
How Jeanessa Got Scammed
How Much Body Fat Can You Really Lose In A Week?
Jersey Girl: Thoughts on Kimkins
Kimkins Circus
Kimkins Controversy Continues to Boil
Kimkins Debacle; Super Smart Diet Tips
Kimkins Experience Part 1
Kimkins Experience Part 2
Kimkins Saga Revisited
Kimkins Survivors
Mama Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Anorexic
Tami’s Change in Game Plan
The Problem with Kimkins
Thin at Any Cost
A Running Jewel
Kimkins Circus
The Quack of Doom: Entering the circus for the first time?
Once Upon A Diet
Someone in Southern California may need an attorney soon
The Final Escape
melting mama: Kimkins Scam.
Have you ever screamed so loud that the room echoed? « Incredible Shrinking Ladies
Inside the Kimkins Controversy
A Dumbbell In A Home Gym: Kimkins: Caveat Freakin’ Emptor.
Heard of the Kimkins Diet? Steer Clear it’s a total scam!
Vickie’s Voice: …more of my story…
The Road to Clarity and Transformation: The Kimmer (Kimkins) Controversy and a Parallel Universe
Banished…oh Fo’ Shame. not.
a mother’s heart » the kimkins debacle
Vilma’s World » Kimkins on Dateline & other complaints
Because I Said So: KimKims Survivors
Hundred Day Head Start Kimkins a fraud
Healthy Low-Carb Living Blog: Kimkins - How I Feel About It Now
Back Across The Line: Kimkins Cult Mentality
Good Carbma: Words for Heidi Diaz
Living Low Carb & Lovin’ It!: What an Amazing Day This Has Been!
Borat Does Kimkins: Hello From Borat!
Kimkins Nightmares
Willa's Notebook

Edited to add the following on 9-23-07 / 7:48 a.m. CST
Doggy Girl’s Weblog
All About Kimkins & More
Itscloudyinhere’s Weblog
Psychic Rations: The Slimmer Kimmer That Wasn’t
Beware: Kimkins Diet is Dangerous!!: Just Say NO
Kimkins Lies
Sparkly and (soon to be) Skinny!: A new safe haven
Stop Kimkins Now!: Stop Kimkins Now!

I am so against this woman, her site, and her diet (which is medically dangerous, IMH Opinion and that of the rest of the thinking population) that I will comment on my blog on occasion about her. I feel she needs to be stopped from this. I have friends who have engaged her way of weightloss and I pray they stay healthy...but the good part is that they don't do her diet all the way...they feel deprived and cheat, thank goodness...cheating may save their health.

*(Notice I say "lifestyle" and not "diet". It has become a way of life for me and I feel good, I am not hungry and I am losing weight. To learn more about the low carb lifestyle as a solution to weight loss, visit the two forums above. Basically, the low carb diet is cheese, meat, fats, green veggies. You leave off fruit, any form of starch and any form of sugar. You don't get hungry (at least I didn't) because you don't have blood sugar spikes all the time, as I understand it. Also, do a search on "ketosis diet" to learn more about how your body will burn fat rather than sugar and simple carbohydrates when following a low carb lifestyle.)


Anonymous said...

Okay, folks, this is Willa testing my own comment feature. Bear with me while I have this little love fest with myself.

. said...

Thanks for spreading the word Willa!

I am glad to see you figured it out so quickly before any harm was done.