Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's only Wednesday?

Man, it's been a long week already. And, I'm tired. But a really wonderful thing happened at the office today. One of the women stopped me and said, "You have truly crossed over!" She went on to say how good I was doing on my diet and how that now I am around 40 pounds down it's really showing in my face. I had kind of been hard on myself today when I looked in the mirror...was having trouble seeing as much progress as I wanted to. But her little remark really picked me up and really made me see that my face DOES look much different. It's "chiseling" out a little...the roundness is leaving at long last.

I'd like to go fix a creamy low carb treat for myself and that would be at least 200 calories, but with the encouragement I received today, I think I'll just go take a shower, brush my teeth and settle in for sleep early.

This battle of weight loss is won with small battles against the small snack or treat. I feel victorious tonight so I believe I'll just head 'em on in while I am on top of my game. I'll opt for a few tiny dill pickles and call it a day.

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